The only PIF portal configured for you


The Australian Food and Grocery Council’s standard Product Information Form is used to help companies share and manage information, and comply with regulations and industry codes.
Oak Barrel’s ePIFPortal.COM is the only PIF portal that is tailored for business. It will show you precisely what you need, automate and enforce your business processes, and streamline your information exchange and management. In addition to PIF, you can manage Specifications, COA, QAS and company information required by your customers.

Automated, centralized and tailored for you

Since every customer, manufacturer, co-packer, supplier and distributor has varying information needs and levels of IT maturity and support, you can choose the configuration that best meets your needs in the most cost effective manner.

Pre-configured formats for easy data entry and review

Retail Ready Products
Plus any additional configuration you need

Built for your business

See all of what you need and only what you need
Configure workflows to fit your business processes
Role, group and user security
Automated reminders
Export to XLS or XML

Easy integration and Recipe Management Systems

Built in architecture for easy integration to your ERP and Recipe Management Systems.
Multi-language support

Streamlined and flexible information exchange

PDFs or XML objects, based on customer requirements
Share company documents with customers – letters of insurance, samples, service level agreements…
Request data and documents from your suppliers and allow them to update

Centralized and automated documentation management

Store and access all your related information from one place
Automated recertification for document, PIF or Supplier updates
Automated supplier documentation process
Import xls and documents

Control and Visibility

Traceability of goods and components across the supply chain
Track every send, view, status and customer acceptance
Leading security provisions
Highly visual change tracking
Easy search and find
Flexible permissions and automation controls
Weekly summaries about all PIF related activities

Ask us about the Oakbarrel PIF Portal

Food & Beverage Customers

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